寻物启事和失物招领的英语作文30字 寻物启事和失物招领的英语作文相关介绍

博主:qqww2qqww2 2024-01-28 00:25:48 80 0条评论
摘要: 1、called us immediately,and went to our reception,I think that it was a good idea失物招领 我们的失...

1、called us immediately,and went to our reception,I think that it was a good idea失物招领 我们的失物招领将会保存三个月的遗失物品记录所以,什么样子的东西你掉了,请告诉我们如果清洁的阿姨或者任何同事捡到它;Lost And Found 失物招领 I picked up a new red backpack on the playground in the morning of yesterday after our baseball gameThere are an English book, a mathmatic book, and a physics textbook in the;Found I found keys at school this afternoon Want to get back? Please call Jack at 2234567Lost ID Card is lost Anyone who found it please call Mike at 5202268。

寻物启事和失物招领的英语作文30字  寻物启事和失物招领的英语作文相关介绍

2、在失物招领处的百货商店 韩磊,你能帮我个忙吗店员好的财产损失有问题吗韩磊我想知道,如果有人失去了一个黄色的书包经理我害怕你拿起一个黄色的书包吗8963722 韩磊是的,我认为他们是我在百货;题目要求假如你是李明明,遗失了一个本书,请你用英语写一张50字左右的寻物启示,文章中应该包含1书在哪里遗失的2这本书对你很重要3拾到者应该如何和你联系参考范文Notice I lost a book in the。

3、Notice of looking for a thing 寻物启事 I lost of my handbag at the 1112014 in the eveningWithin my handbag,I took the less than 200 RMB,2 USBI heard that one old man got itBut he don#39t;因为,没有这些东西在身边,有些事情就不好处理,我要要做飞机去国没有身份证,就买不了飞机票,所以我要尽快寻找到我的这些东西希望看到这个寻物启示的朋友尽快回复我本人在此表示感谢;find it,please call Li Ming at 7 or come to my classI#39m in Class 1,Grade 3唔字数有些不够 ,不过寻物启事失物招领这类的作文属于小作文 ,字数不用太多 ,我写的这几点就足够希望能够帮助到你~。

寻物启事和失物招领的英语作文30字  寻物启事和失物招领的英语作文相关介绍