我丢失了我的笔记本英语作文带翻译 我丢失了我的笔记本英语作文详细介绍

博主:阁鲤百科阁鲤百科 2024-01-23 05:35:14 72 0条评论
摘要: is LiPing I#39m from Class 5 , Grade 7 Please call me at 0276555689译文丢失东西丢失了蓝色的书包,内有两个棒球,一...

is LiPing I#39m from Class 5 , Grade 7 Please call me at 0276555689译文丢失东西丢失了蓝色的书包,内有两个棒球,一本英语书,一个黑色的手表,一顶红色的帽子,白色笔记本一个号码是6555689;我丢了一本紫色的英语笔记本,还有一支钢笔英语作文I lost a purple English notebook and a pen yesterday when I was paying on playground I then sent a message on the found and lost Fortunately, I got。


I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon Its cover is blue and white今天下午,我在图书馆弄丢了我的笔记本,封面时蓝白色的I wrote my name on the first paper第一页上写了我的名字There are。

我丢失了我的笔记本英语作文带翻译  我丢失了我的笔记本英语作文详细介绍

LostIn the playground,my bulucovered note name is jimI have looked around the playground and not found itIf anyone finds it,please return to meThanks。

我丢失了我的笔记本英语作文带翻译  我丢失了我的笔记本英语作文详细介绍


On Tuesday evening on the sixth floor of the library,I lost a notebookThat contains many important notes,and I think highly of itI lost it when I am Learing by myself,and until now I still can not。