在课堂上做笔记英语翻译 在课堂上做笔记英语翻译怎么说的介绍

博主:qqww2qqww2 2024-01-22 10:25:31 60 0条评论
摘要: 上课作英语笔记,下课练习口语As an English class notes, practicing oral English class。Took notes during...

上课作英语笔记,下课练习口语As an English class notes, practicing oral English class。

Took notes during the lecture上课做笔记 I am taking note我正在做笔记While she talked, we all took notes of what she said她发言时,我们都做了笔记。

翻译结果quotListen carefully in class, take notesquot。

在课堂上做笔记英语翻译  在课堂上做笔记英语翻译怎么说的介绍

翻译为notes for the english class 这是经常可以看到的翻译还可以用English lectureclass notes这两个的话用English lecture notes比较好谢谢,不懂可追问 课堂上务必认真听讲并做笔记用英语怎么说 课堂上务必。

v 记记笔记 摘记Do you usually take notes in class with a pen or pencil?你在课堂上记笔记通常用钢笔还是铅笔问题三笔记用英语怎么说 notes 问题四做好课堂笔记用英语怎么说 make the lesson note well。

在课堂上做笔记英语翻译  在课堂上做笔记英语翻译怎么说的介绍

上课认真听讲,做好笔记以便课后复习 英文翻译Listen carefully in class and make notes for review after class 重点词汇Listen听 倾听 听信 听从 听着,注意听 carefully仔细地 小心翼翼的 诚惶诚恐地。

做笔记的英文翻译是take notestake的英式读法是te#618k美式读法是te#618k单词直接源自古英语的tacan最初源自北部日内曼语的taka,意为拿走,抓住作动词意思有拿取执行需要接受理解修。

it is important to take note in class, and better not to stay up all night。

一边听课,一边做笔记的英文翻译_一边听课,一边做笔记While listening to lectures, while taking notes。

您好,英文是1take notes 2make notes。

1记笔记的英语Take notes,英 te#618k n#601#650ts 美 te#618k no#650ts2你在课堂上记笔记通常用钢笔还是铅笔Do you usually take notes in class with a pen or pencil?3他。

In the past, in the classroom, listened to teacher to explain and to record the note。

学习英语learning English 只,仅仅just 来上课come to class 记笔记take note learnv 学学习学到学会听到得知获悉记住背熟熟记例句I#39d like to learn a new language我想学习。

Result I hurried to take notes, did not attend lectures结果我慌忙的记笔记,没顾上听课。