上课做笔记英语翻译 上课做笔记的英文翻译具体情况

博主:qqww1qqww1 2024-01-22 04:15:09 72 0条评论
摘要: quot上课认真听讲,做笔记quot_翻译结果quotListen carefully in class, take notesquot。Took notes during th...

quot上课认真听讲,做笔记quot_翻译结果quotListen carefully in class, take notesquot。

Took notes during the lecture上课做笔记 I am taking note我正在做笔记While she talked, we all took notes of what she said她发言时,我们都做了笔记。

你好做笔记 翻译成英语是to make notes希望帮到你,满意请采纳做好课堂笔记用英语怎么说 make the lesson note well “做笔记”英文怎么说 take notes v 记记笔记 摘记Do you usually take notes in。

做英语笔记 Take English notes 做课堂笔记 Class notes 关于做笔记的相关例句 1 However, I knew I needed my own book to annotate可是我知道我需要自己拥有来做笔记2 Welland made a pretence of writing a。

实际上,take notes就是直接表示做笔记,后面再也不用什么介词了BY是方位介词,表示在什么旁边也说得通IN是take notes in classes上课做笔记。

Listen and pay attention during classes, making notes and asked teacher and classmate after class。

问题七“英语课堂笔记”用英语怎么说谢谢 40分 你好为你提供精确解答 笔记翻译为notes,采用复数形式翻译为notes for the english class 这是经常可以看到的翻译还可以用English lectureclass notes这两个。

上课做笔记英语翻译  上课做笔记的英文翻译具体情况

上课认真听讲,做好笔记以便课后复习 英文翻译Listen carefully in class and make notes for review after class 重点词汇Listen听 倾听 听信 听从 听着,注意听 carefully仔细地 小心翼翼的 诚惶诚恐地。

做笔记的英文翻译是take notestake的英式读法是te#618k美式读法是te#618k单词直接源自古英语的tacan最初源自北部日内曼语的taka,意为拿走,抓住作动词意思有拿取执行需要接受理解修。

take notes in the class,and practice oral english after class 下次记得去外语区提问,这里的提问的话,很少回答的,还好被我发现了。

1上课做笔记是一个好习惯 Taking notes during class is a good habit2如果你告诉他真相,他甚至会更生你的气 If you tell him the truth, he will be even more angry3李明总是和父母闹矛盾 Li Min always。

问题二英语笔记怎么写 5分 问题补充记是写的意思,不是记忆英语笔记 make english note english notebook Remember English notes 我觉得应该是take English 问题三上课认真听讲,做好笔记以便课后复习 用英文怎么写。

您好,英文是1take notes 2make notes。

上课做笔记英语翻译  上课做笔记的英文翻译具体情况

First, you should make more notes in the lessons Don#39t be afraid to ask teacher when you don#39t understand some words Listen and read more Chinese 你确定是多听多读一些汉语?汉语。

n 笔记便条纸币音符票据注解音调 vt 注意记录注解 note的基本意思是“笔记,摘记”,指用来记录平时一些需要记住的事情的短小记录 也可指为了通知某人某事而写下的“短小信笺”“记笔记”可以说make a。