死亡笔记英语介绍加翻译简短 死亡笔记英语介绍加翻译内容详情

博主:阁鲤百科阁鲤百科 2024-01-22 00:55:23 96 0条评论
摘要: 1、The human whoge name is wtitten in this note shall die 名字被写在死亡笔记的人就会死亡 This note will no...

1、The human whoge name is wtitten in this note shall die 名字被写在死亡笔记的人就会死亡 This note will not take effect nmliess the wyiter has the person’s face in their mind when wyiting hisher name。

2、A sudden notes, one from the ideal and the reality of crazy juvenile, a boneses floored fix road, A period of detective and killer, once the confrontation between good and evil bout without gunsmoke war。

3、because for one reason or another can be large, I think it is very unfair Three months ago, I picked up is called a quotDeath Notequot notebook, as long as the use of the notebook in the notebook to。

4、Death Note, a name was written on as long as the people will die of notes Ryuk is a god of death To find its fun, deliberately故意地 lost his Death Note fell in the world Light#xFFFD0。

5、5此外,布莱克还将与索尼合作一部动作片华纳兄弟近期也聘请布莱克担当日本动漫死亡笔记真人版的导演Black is also working on an action project from Sony and Warner Bros recently hired him to direct a live。

6、死神没义务向人类说明有关死亡笔记的一切规则 V A god of death can extend his life by putting human names on the note,but humans cannot 死神可以通过在死亡笔记上写名字延长自己的寿命,但人类却不能 A person can。


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10、howl‘s moving castle哈尔的移动城堡 hauru no ugoku shiro a love story between an 18yearold girl named soficirc, cursed by a witch into an old woman‘s body, and a magician named hauru under。

11、死亡笔记英文规则 谁有英文规则?最好有图!急急急急急急急急! 谁有英文规则?最好有图!急急急急急急急急! 展开 #xE768 我来答 4个回答 #热议# 妇女节专题女性如何自我保护?小兔博士11 2007。

死亡笔记英语介绍加翻译简短  死亡笔记英语介绍加翻译内容详情

12、Lawliet= Law+liet 就是法律之光也有人说有两层,一是制裁夜神月,二是指约束阴暗网上大多数中文名字译为L Lawliet 艾尔·罗莱德 希望采纳谢谢。

13、今天天气凉爽,所以我的心情也很好我去了书城我发现了一本非常有趣的书,叫死亡笔记我看了很久,简直入迷了,我认为这是一本很好的书The evening, the mother and I would go with a walkSun has to go。

14、2004年11月5日死亡, 死于流克的假规则,继承人是尼亚N,梅罗ML使用过的名字是龙崎流河旱树 L名字的由来 华米之屋是不分国籍种族性别收集世界上优秀的少年进行专业培养的场所原来和尼亚N。

15、the death of note 死亡笔记 首先, 基督徒, 有明确的规定, 并不能够去观看和参与相关的制作与拍摄此类的鬼片等等 , 另外, 基督徒, 并不能够参与跳舞 除了广场舞之外 参见, 蔡少芬, 从来不拍摄。

16、N 认同基拉?开什么玩笑!N没错!这个国家的正义已经毁了!N你只不过是臣服在死神以及笔记力量下却自我标榜为神的家伙罢了 N就算神有指示给我,我自己也会认真判断这是否是正确的 N两个人的话就能超越L,现在我们。